Clients & Experience
Our clients are global leaders in Aerospace vehicle technology development.
In the interest of client confidentiality we do not list our clients directly on our website.
Owens Aerospace associates have worked on many leading aerospace projects.
They have provided services directly for global OEMs and tier 1 suppliers.
Our team has decades of experience developing FAA FAR 25 & 29 aircraft & rotorcraft.
Listed below are some of the projects that our team has worked on.
Structural Analysis & Design of FAR 25 Aircraft:
747-8 High Speed & Low Speed Advanced Composite Ailerons
747-XQLR - Composite Raked Wing Tip
777-200 LR & -300ER Advanced Composite H-Stab skin-stringers
777-200 LR & -300ER Advanced Composite V-Stab skin-stringers
787-8-9-10 - Advanced Composite Nacelles for RR T1000 & GEnx
767-GTTA - Composite & Metal 1,000,000 lbf Cargo Bulkhead.
LJ85- Advanced Composite Unpressurized Rear Fuselage
LJ85 - Advanced Composite FWD Pressurized Fuselage
LJ85 - Advanced Composite Pressure Bulkhead
LJ85 - Fuselage Main Circumferential Splice Joints
LJ85 - Advanced Composite Vertical Stabilizer
LJ85 - Advanced Composite Rudder
LJ85 - Engine Pylons & Mounts
Production Support MRB Liaison & After Market:
787 - Final assembly line Integration/Assembly Support
787-8-9-10 -Engine Nacelles SRM Structural Analysis & Repairs
A350 - SRM Structural Analysis & Repairs
P3 Orion - major overhaul and repair support services.
Composite & Plastic Materials & Processes & Testing
- Composite materials receiving inspection testing.
- Composite materials storage life extension testing.
- Cure process discrepancy evaluations, thermal profiling.
- Auditing supplier facilities for material storage & processing
FAR 29 Rotorcraft structural & Interior Components for A/C models:
- 407/ 412 / 427 /430 /S92
FAR 25 Airplane LE/TE panels, WTB fairings, Fairings on A/C models:
737 / 757 / 777 / 767
Aerodynamics & Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis:
- CFD analysis of tip Vortices of NACA 0015 Wing w w/o Tip Jets.
- Vortex Lattice Method (VLPM) Panel Code development for lift-drag
- Wind tunnel test data analysis & simulation of flow field properties.
- Boundary layer finite difference code development for separation.
- Blade element integration code for aerodynamic lift & drag analysis.
- Rotor lift-drag & power consumption of advanced VTOL Concepts.